Is Vaping the Solution to Quit Smoking: Tips from Experts

There are tried-and-true methods for quitting smoking if you’re ready to do so, and using electronic cigarettes is not one of them. Vaping may not directly cause cancer, but we do know that e-cigarettes contain hundreds of chemicals, many of which are bad for your health. I recently co-authored a study that investigated the science around vaping, and we discovered that the substances in these gadgets can:
– decrease lung health
– impede the immunological system
– impede the healing of wounds
Nicotine-containing vapes may be just as addictive as cigarettes, which makes it impossible to stop using them. It’s tougher to stop using some e-cigarettes since they might offer considerably more addictive nicotine. It might be challenging to determine whether vaping is a wise decision to assist you in quitting smoking given the abundance of false information out there. Let’s think about the facts.
An harmful alternative are e-cigarettes
Numerous research have shown that e-cigarettes are neither safe nor healthful. For instance, studies have been conducted on the use of e-cigarettes by those who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a set of lung conditions that include emphysema and chronic bronchitis that impair airflow.
E-cigarette users in the study had worse results for their COPD symptoms. Furthermore, lung function didn’t alter right away in individuals who transitioned from smoking tobacco to vaping. Researchers discovered that rats given daily exposure to e-cigarette liquid for four months developed symptoms resembling COPD, while a different research revealed that e-cigarettes aggravate asthma.
The association between e-cigarettes and cancer has been studied extensively.
Vapes may contain less toxins than regular cigarettes, but they still have a big impact. Vapors include many carcinogens, including formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and nicotine-derived nitrosamine ketone. It is recognized that each of these can lead to cancer in people.
Concerns regarding the risks of vaping have grown significantly in response to recent epidemics of lung illness in young people. In the summer of 2019, lung illness struck 53 persons in Wisconsin and Illinois.All of them had used electronic cigarettes within 90 days of the onset of their symptoms, although none of them had pulmonary infections. 94% of them ended up in the hospital, 32% needed breathing tubes, and one of them passed away.
Notably, the majority of these patients used vapes that included THC, the psychoactive component of cannabis. The vitamin E acetate addition used in many THC vaping products, according to follow-up research, may be to blame for these lung damage.Even though some people have used electronic cigarettes to help them stop, a research showed no connection between vaping and effectively stopping.
When comparing nicotine vape usage versus non-nicotine vape use, it was discovered that there was no difference in the success rate of quitting, or even lowering how many cigarettes were smoked. In total, just 15% of trial participants were able to stop.
According to a different survey, 68.1% of those who use e-cigarettes still smoke tobacco. People are consuming even more nicotine because of this alleged “dual-use,” which is not a helpful method for quitting.
Advice about stopping smoking
When you’re prepared to quit using nicotine, there are alternatives to electronic cigarettes that are safer and more successful. Whichever course you select, it’s a wise choice.Your body will begin to experience the advantages almost immediately. Your blood pressure and pulse rate will return to normal about 20 minutes after you stop smoking.
Eight hours after your last puff, the levels of oxygen and carbon monoxide in your blood return to normal. From then, things only get better as your chance of dying from heart attack, cancer, or COPD all gradually decreases.
It’s challenging to quit smoking abruptly, or “cold turkey.”
You should anticipate having the following withdrawal symptoms:
-Irritability and anger
-difficulty paying attention
-addiction to nicotine
With the aid of products designed to aid in quitting, cravings and withdrawal symptoms can be controlled. Products for nicotine replacement treatment including patches, gum, lozenges, and sprays might help you taper off by gradually delivering reduced levels of nicotine.