Throw Yourself an At-Home Spa Night with These 5-Tip & Trick

Everyone needs a little rest and relaxation once in a while. One of the simplest ways to do this at home is to throw yourself a spa night! It’s not necessary to travel to a swanky hotel in order to enjoy a luxurious experience. With these five tips and tricks, you can transform your bathroom and Saturday night into a spa getaway!
Comfortable Tub
The most important element for a spa night is to be comfortable. Ideally you can soak in your tub with a bathtub pillow headrest that supports your neck and head.
An Everlasting Comfort bathtub pillow can easily be attached to any bathtub edge to provide the ultimate protection against neck strain or discomfort while relaxing and soaking in the tub.
You may also want to include something fragrant to calm and relax your senses. There are dozens of options from bath bombs, to oils and epsom salts – and the old classic, bubble bath. All of these items provide muscle and sensory comfort and are an important component to creating a calming spa night at home.
Be careful not to use too many different scents. The idea isn’t to overwhelm your senses, but to choose what is most soothing to you and use that to reach your ultimate level of comfort.
Pamper Yourself
An at home spa night is a perfect way to incorporate a facial, foot scrub, or manicure/pedicure into the week that you normally don’t have time for. You are your own captive audience, especially when soaking in a hot bathtub!
The steam and heat automatically helps open your skin’s pores and moisturize, by adding your favorite mud mask, you will be giving your skin a refreshing pick-me-up.
Getting rid of those pesky rough spots on your feet is easy when soaking too. With the heat loosening up the skin an exfoliating scrub will be very effective in eliminating foot calluses. You can also paint your toenails (or fingernails!).
Leave the Phone Outside
The biggest tip to enjoying a spa night at home is to leave your phone outside of the bathroom. If you have ever gone to a public spa or resort, you rarely see people on their phones as most often they are banned. With good reason! It would be impossible for you to relax if you took your phone into the tub with you.
You may make the argument that it’s your time to catch up on social media or even the news. While that may be enjoyable, it’s certainly not relaxing. To avoid temptations, leave the phone turned off and outside the room. You don’t want to hear texts coming in because you won’t focus on yourself.
Bring your favorite magazine, or book (remember those?) into the bathroom with you instead. Play relaxing music or a podcast, but don’t watch TV or a phone screen. If you choose to just relax and close your eyes, be careful not to fall asleep!
Luxurious Linens
If you truly want to experience a spa night at home, you must have luxurious towels and linens.
We have all had the experience of a not-so-great bath towel either as a guest in someone’s home, or at a hotel when traveling. It is a major detail that no one really thinks about until they step out of the tub and realize the towel is less than luxurious – it is either scratching you or its lint is sticking to you. Try to upgrade your towels (including your washcloths and hand towels) to a higher-end material.
Many home experts will argue that Turkish cotton is the best material for all the linens mentioned above that go into your guest bathroom. Similar to Egyptian cotton, the long fibers of Turkish cotton yield stronger and smoother threads than regular cotton. It even grows softer over time and with every wash.
To really create the spa experience at home, consider a robe and slippers made out of the same Turkish cotton as the towels. No need to get dressed after a long soak, you can stay warm and cozy wrapped up in a luxurious robe and lounge for the rest of the evening.
Have a Treat
Definitely take a light snack and favorite beverage with you into the bathroom for a spa night at home. Enjoying a small snack is very beneficial and can be a responsible way to indulge without overdoing it.
Fruits, nuts, and cheeses work best – anything you can eat with just your fingers. If appropriate, take a glass of wine. You should also have a bottle or cup of water with you. It gets warm when soaking!
There are countless benefits to self-care, so use these five helpful tips to create your at-home spa night.